I'm a doctor, not a mechanic
Legacy:Augmentation (DX)
This is the parent class of all augmentations.
Note that augmentations cannot be given to a player unless they are specified in the player class' augmentationSystem.augClasses[] variable. augmentationSystem is an AugmentationManager (DX) class and each DeusExPlayer (DX) owns one.
- bool bAutomatic
- float EnergyRate
- amount of bioelectric energy used per minute
- int CurrentLevel [travel]
- upgrade level (0-3) of the aug
- int MaxLevel
- maximum possible upgrade level. 3 by default
- texture icon
- aug icon (used on aug screen?)
- int IconWidth, IconHeight
- aug icon's dimensions
- texture smallIcon
- small aug icon (used on HUD?)
- bool bAlwaysActive
- true for IFF etc. where the aug is always on
- bool bBoosted [travel]
- used in conjunection with BoostAugs (a property of AugmentationManager (DX))
- int HotKeyNum [travel]
- the hotkey (3-12?) assigned to this particular aug for this particular player
- Augmentation next [travel]
- the next aug in the aug chain
- bool bUsingMedbot
- DeusExPlayer Player
- player that this aug belongs to
- float LevelValues[4]
- "values" associated with each level of the aug. The values are applied in different ways for different augs, e.g. it could be the damage scale of shots with ballistic protection or the amount of energy drain for cloak (these are examples - not necessarily true)
- bool bHasIt [travel]
- specifies whether the player actually has this aug. The player is "given" all the aug classes at the start of the game but they are not available until this property is true
- bool bIsActive [travel]
- is it turned on?
- enum EAugmentationLocation AugmentationLocation
- where the aug belongs. Options are: LOC_Cranial, LOC_Eye, LOC_Torso, LOC_Arm, LOC_Leg, LOC_Subdermal, or LOC_Default.
- int MPConflictSlot
- the augs are all paired in MP, and the MPConflictSlot configures these pairs. e.g. cloak and vision augs have the same MPConflictSlot.
- sound ActivateSound, DeactivateSound, LoopSound
- sounds played on activation, deactivation, and when the aug is on respectively.
Localized strings[edit]
var localized string
EnergyRateLabel, OccupiesSlotLabel, AugLocsText[7];
var() localized string
AugActivated, AugDeactivated, AugmentationName, Description, MPInfo, AugAlreadyHave, AugNowHave, AugNowHaveAtLevel, AlwaysActiveLabel, CanUpgradeLabel, CurrentLevelLabel, MaximumLabel;
Associated classes[edit]
The Augmentation classes are the bare bones of the aug system. If you're planning on making new augs or editing existing augs you should
also look at the following:
To make new augs you will definitely have to modify AugmentationManager either on-the-fly or via a new AugmentationManager class (which will then need a new DeusExPlayer class).